FFuF + Findomain join forces

The dream has come true. This was one of the integrations most desired by users of the Findomain monitoring service that will allow them to obtain more data, fuzz the new subdomains found such as directories, search for configuration files, backups, files that can contain declarations of objects, variables, and methods that can be accessed by every page in an ASP application and more.

Today 23/10/2020 we have finished our work integrating ffuf in our monitoring service, this means that although this process is carried out externally by ffuf, our clients will receive the data through email through a txt file . The command that will be used will be the following:

ffuf -u https://DOM/FUZZ -w domains.txt: DOM, wordlist.txt: FUZZ -recursion -recursion-depth 3 -s -e .asa,.inc,.config,.bak,.old,.sql,.tar.gz -o results.txt -of csv -se -ac

To avoid being banned or restricted, we have placed the domains list first and then the fuzzing list, that way ffuf will try the first directory on all domains, before moving on to the next directory and trying that on all domains. This way you can send more requests without overloading the target servers. [1]

The recursion option is only available for the special plan at the moment and will be made up to a level of three starting the account from zero.

The file extensions that will be reviewed additionally to the directories specified in the wordlist will be: asa, .inc, .config, .bak, .old, .sql,.tar.gz that, if found, it is very possible that they have valuable information according to OWASP. [2]

The file format that will be used in the results will be CSV to facilitate the analysis and finally the -se and -ac options will be used that serve to avoid making fuzzing tests in vain in case of having been banned and perform self-calibration of the tool for greater accuracy in the results.

Manual intervention required: To take advantage of this update, existing users need to login via FTP and put the list of words they want to use in the ffuf-wordlist.txt file which they can configure and change in their own way whenever they want to add or remove words. The number of lines used according to the plan are:

VIP: 500 lines, no recursion.
VIP PLus: 1000 lines, no recursion.
Special: 3000 lines, with recursion.

We have also improved quality of the results and more. Take a look to our service!

Findomain Team